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You may have noticed some new art around the Church this month. FPC's own Margie Clay has provided us with an installation of her work for the duration of the Lenten season. Margie has provided us with an artist's statement of intent to accompany her piece displayed on the chancel steps in the sanctuary. We encourage everyone to stop by the church to admire these works!


Entitled, “nature found items”

The white cloth hangs asymmetric as disrespected, neglected, stripped of all passion. This is Christ’s body broken for us. The found gnarly stick branches hold a sealed bud at the end, representing an awaiting spring to come (Easter). The man-made barbed-wire that is rusted by nature is man’s crown placed on Christ’s head. The cross of dead-wood that is held with twine is the burden Christ must bear. Most importantly, the purple cloth, garment of Christ I let fall to the ground so it could find its own space; represents both our repentance and Christ Resurrection.

—Margie Ann Clay