So, What's a Presbyter?
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What do Presbyterians believe?
Being Presbyterian is about seeking unity of purpose:  we are all aiming toward a goal of growing in faith, building community, loving God, and sharing that love with the world.  Yet, being Presbyterian is not about everyone believing exactly the same thing.  At First Presbyterian Church there is no litmus test.  We come together to share our beliefs and grow.

Aren't we known as the "frozen chosen"
We are part of the Calvinist "Reform" tradition.  Though Calvinist sometimes get a bad rap for in their ways, but our tradition was born out of change.  Our mantra is to be "reformed and always reforming," in other words:  Presbyterians should be always ready to change.  We strive for this ideal, especially post-COVID.  First Presbyterian Church wants to be nimble and ready to adapt for whatever comes next!

Text about predestination