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Trinity Lutheran and First Presbyterian Churches are partnering with Art: Defined, Galesburg's local ceramics studio, for a nativity art night!

"Nativity Art Night?" you ask.  Why, yes!  Like last year, anyone is invited to join in.  Each year we paint glaze onto a set of three nativity pieces so that over several years participants will have a full Nativity hand painted, themselves.  If you made a set last year, you will paint three wisemen.  Art is always more fun with friends and food, so all are encouraged to invite their friends and bring a snack to share.  The churches will have plates, utinsels, and drinks.

Those who are painting for the first time will start with a set of Mary, Jesus & Joseph.  Those who participated last year will paint this year's figures: wisemen.

People are also welcome to come for fellowship and to share snacks without ordering their own nativity or people may wish to share the fun of glazing with one set among several people.

Registration is available online or printed registration forms are available at both churches.  When registering online, you may also pay online, or pay without processing fees at Trinity Lutheran or First Presbyterian Churches.  The cost is $45.00 per nativity set.    Anyone may attend for free to enjoy friends, conversation & food!

Nativity sets must be ordered by November 10.