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As part of the Wednesday Summer Open Youth Room program, a group of youth and adult volunteers from First Presbyterian helped count, wrap, pack and stack diapers for the Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank on Wednesday afternoon, July 17. Since opening its doors in 2014, Loving Bottoms has distributed 2.6 million diapers through its 25 partner agencies in 12 counties throughout Illinois. A huge thank you to Scott Carnes, Nancy Ekstedt, Abby Gonzalez, Carol Hagan, Braden Myler, Andy Newton, Braden Rees, Laura Rees, Lily Rees, Anna Rozny, James Rozny, Sarah Rozny, Debbie Strauch, Carol Totten, David Volkers, Marie Volkers, Kathy Woodward and Kathleen Bashem for all of your time and help at Loving Bottoms. You make a difference!