Happy Pentecost! Last weekend we heard the story of God sending the Holy Spirit to the apostles and bestowing upon them the gifts they needed to continue the work of God on Earth. We are instructed, through the words of Scripture, to recognize and use the talents that we are given. Sometimes that’s a hard thing to do! It takes time, dedication, and courage to develop and share a skill, especially one that is as traditionally performance-centric as music. Since joining the music ministry here I have discovered a treasure trove of musical gifts among the members of First Pres, and congregation full of appreciation for all forms of musical offerings. Thank you to all who contribute! I am especially grateful to our wonderfully dedicated Chancel Choir, who has given of their time and talent on a weekly basis to enhance our community's worship with music. Thank you, choir members; my time with you this spring has been an absolute joy!
Do you feel the joy of music in your heart? The choir will be on recess throughout the summer, but if you have a song to lift up to the Lord, we warmly invite you to share your unique musical gifts with our church community throughout June, July, and August. Singers or instrumentalists; soloists or ensembles; students, professionals and hobbyists: I welcome you to contact me at katelyn@fpcgalesburg.com to discuss how you can become involved in summer music ministry at First Presbyterian!