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Dear Members and Friends,

Families who attend church grow with God, strengthen community bonds, and experience emotional and spiritual growth. Your presence, more than just a personal blessing, is a beacon of hope and support for others in our congregation. The essence of church extends beyond receiving—it's about nurturing, sharing, and enriching the lives around us. Each Sunday, while we pass the peace of Christ and share our joys and concerns, we're also silently affirming our commitment to one another and the broader mission of the First Presbyterian Church. Over the past two years God has blessed our congregation with many opportunities, both in worship and in outreach.  In turn, this congregation is making change in the world and making a difference in the community and world! 

Our congregation re-developed an effective deacon team who go out to care for the people of this church.  This work of compassion includes acts as simple as making time to visit with someone, checking in on them, listening to them, praying with them, or even taking someone to the doctor or bringing them to church.  This vital ministry keeps us connected: deacons are the lifeblood of our congregation! 

We've enthusiastically reintroduced cherished programs like Wednesday Night Live and unveiled a new youth initiative this fall. This summer, we celebrated with events ranging from the rejuvenating Vacation Bible School to communal gatherings like the Ice Cream Social and Backyard Cookouts. Throughout the year, our congregation has marked significant spiritual moments, from festive services like Christmas Eve and Easter to contemplative observances like Ash Wednesday. And, it hasn't been all solemn; events like the Chili Cook-off and game nights brought laughter and joy. Indeed, in this post-pandemic world, we've embraced every opportunity to reconnect and rebuild our community ties.

The church building is filling up with people, prayer, music, and laughter! Each month the sanctuary becomes fuller with worship and sharing joys and concerns.  If you come to Blessings in a Backpack, our sewing group, or Thursday coffee you will find these programs growing and thriving.  The church is flourishing with music on Sunday mornings with our talented choir and this summer’s eclectic musical styles: jazz, gospel, Contemporary Christian, and folk.  Our membership is growing with a confirmation program last fall and new members joining this fall.  This congregation is experiencing a new beginning.  We are alive, growing and thriving!

Your presence on Sunday morning is a blessing and we hope that you will join us October 22 – November 5 as we hear stories in worship about how this congregation is engaging in ministry and changing lives.  Each of us will be challenged to consider the resources in our lives and how we will commit to serve our God: through time, talents, financial gifts, service, and leadership.  In this time of growth and new beginnings we hope you will come be a part of an inspiring worship series and make a commitment to be part of the unfolding story at First Presbyterian Church.

As we continue to grow and thrive, each person and each family’s commitment becomes even more important. On November 5 we will have a Commitment & Celebration Sunday with Holy Communion to renew our dedication and celebrate our shared journey.  We invite you to bring your completed commitment card, worship in community, and celebrate with a potluck following worship.  Together, we've witnessed the power of faith and community. Let's continue this blessed journey, celebrating every milestone along the way.


In Christ,

Joanne Stewart                                Margie Clay                                     Rev. Dr. Scott Carnes
Stewardship Co-Chair                    Stewardship Co-Chair                    Pastor